Thursday, May 28, 2015

Train to Paris

Woke up to sunshine after encountering our first rain last evening.  We gave ourselves plenty of time to catch our train to Paris this morning....even had time for a latte at Starbuck's!  John and I have a rule when we're on vacation:  never eat or drink at a place that is available to us at home!  But sometimes an exception is in order!!

The last time we were in Europe, the "travel" days were the most tiring.  But today was actually relaxing.  We ate our store bought breakfast, consisting of muffins, bananas and orange juice, on the train from York to London.  We easily found our connecting train to Paris, where I spent a good portion of the trip napping.  Well, I actually began by reading, but the gentle rocking of the train had me napping in no time!  We arrived in Paris about 3:00 this afternoon, losing an hour from London time.  Our hotel, Hotel du Champ de Mars, is lovely.  Thank you for the recommendation, Jamie!

John just went out in search of a cash machine, leaving me to unpack and settle in.  We have reservations for dinner tonight at my favorite restaurant from our last trip, 7eme Vin.  We agreed to try all new restaurants this visit, but John surprised me with this repeat culinary experience.

I am excited  to have four full days in this wonderful city, but must admit that I wish we'd had more time in Merry Olde England.  I felt a connection there, knowing it was where my grandmother was born and raised.  Unfortunately, I never knew her, as she died before I was born.  Perhaps I can return sometime, and actually visit her hometown of Liverpool.

We have good wi-fi here, so I will try to post more often!

Au revoir!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susanne and John! Loving the blog! Have a great day!
