Friday, May 29, 2015

English observations

I love England!  Here are a few observations I made while a visitor there:
*The English are very warm and friendly.  Everywhere we went, they wanted to know more about us.  They associate Seattle with Starbucks!
*Just like the weather, the English style is similar to Seattle's--casual.  Jeans and leggings were the standard.
*The English not only drive on the "wrong" side of the street, but they also drive like maniacs!  This is especialy true in London, but applies even to the much smaller city of York.
*Mashed peas are a common accompaniment served in English pubs, especially with fish and chips.  Rather odd, in my opinion.
*I love the savory pies they serve everywhere in England.  I must try making them at home!
*The English must be very fond of American sixties pop music.  We often heard tunes from the Beachboys and Motown groups in restaurants.
*I saw more selfie sticks during my 3 days in London than during the entire rest of my life!
*Monday was a "bank holiday".  We never did come to understand what that meant, except that a lot of places were closed!

Perhaps I will post more of these observaations as they come to mind.  I love the English!

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