Saturday, May 30, 2015

So much to see....So little time

Having been in Paris before, we decided to concentrate more on exploring neighborhoods this time rather than seeing specific sights like last time.  After arriving on Thursday afternoon, we walked around the Rue Cler neighborhood and to the Eiffel Tower.  We are staying just off of Rue Cler, which is a short street closed off to most traffic, and full of fresh produce stands, wine shops, and other specialty shops.  My favorite is the boulangerie...or maybe it's the cheese shop....or perhaps the chocolate shop!

Yesterday (Friday) was a full day of walking.  We started with a walk to the Orsay Art Museum, where we saw the works of famous artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Gaugin and Renoir.  We then strolled along the Seine River, exploring little side streets when they looked interesting.  Finally we walked back to Rue Cler, purchased a bottle of red wine, a fresh bagette, some French cheese and chocolate, and picniced in a park adjacent to the Eiffel Tower.  Very romantic and very Parisian!  After a mid-afternoon nap, we changed for dinner and walked back to the neighborhood of the Orsay Museum.  We had the most wonderful dinner at La Bonne Excuse (The Good Excuse), where we had monkfish, quail and the best apple tart imaginable.  The French eat dinner very late by American standards, which has taken some adjustment for John and me.  But just two days into our visit, we have become accustomed to dinner at eight!

I can't believe we're already halfway through our vacation!  We still have much on our list of things to do, and not nearly enough time.

Until tomorrow, Au revoir.

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